Commercial Interiors

Sustainability Initiatives

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Message from Dexion Asia Pacific
Group Managing Director

Dexion’s culture is based on the respect for environmental stewardship which enables a sustainable future for our families, communities, countries and the planet at large.

We also prioritise the rights, freedoms, safety and health of our employees, and we recognise that these values are important to convey through our supply chain.

This involves crafting policies that not only address immediate challenges but also consider the long-term consequences of our actions. We are guided by Corporate Social Responsibility, that cover these key areas:

A series of internal protocols, policies and documents are in place to support these efforts with the objective of providing clear guidelines and actions to address any environmental or social risks in our operations or supply chain.

In conclusion, the trajectory toward a sustainable future relies on thoughtful and comprehensive policymaking that addresses both environmental and social challenges, guiding us toward a world that is more balanced, responsible, and resilient for generations to come.


Group Managing Director
Dexion Asia Pacific

Accredited by

Sustainability Initiative 1

SMETA or Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit is the world’s leading audit which provides full visibility into an organisation’s supply chain sustainability performance. Dexion is committed to maintaining positive standards of ethical and responsible practices to minimise the negative impact of our organisation in the course of our business, in line with the corporate culture of Dexion (Australia) Pty Ltd, firmly based on the respect for human and labour rights, and environmental responsibility.

Dexion is 4 Pillar SMETA audited company. The audit was completed by QIMA at Dexion’s factory in Malaysia in 2023. The audit underwrites our Ethical Sourcing/ Supply Chain credentials for the following areas:

Labour Standards

Assesses a company's compliance with local laws and international labor standards, including issues related to child labor, forced labor, and discrimination.

Health and Safety

Assesses a company's compliance with local laws and international standards related to the health and safety of workers, including issues related to first aid, fire safety, and emergency procedures.


Assesses a company's compliance with local laws and international standards related to environmental protection, including issues related to waste management, energy efficiency, and chemical safety.

Business Ethics

Assesses a company's compliance with local laws and international standards related to business ethics, including issues related to bribery, corruption, and anti-competitive practices

Sustainability Initiative 2

Dexion is committed to the following:

Dexion Certifications

Dexion Environmental Management System (EMS) is maintained to AS/NZ ISO14001:2016 (ISO14001:2015 Certification) which is externally audited and certified by a recognised independent accredited body.

The framework of best practices aims to reduce an organisation’s environmental footprint.

Dexion obtained the renewal of ISO9001: 2015 Certificate number 008295 valid through to year 2026. ISO9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS), to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)

Dexion’s range of Commercial products are designed and manufactured according to best practices that aim to reduce the impact on the environment which could compromise the survival of future generations.GECA is the owner of the Good Environmental Choice Australia Ecolabel and manages a Type 1 Ecolabel program in accordance with ISO 14024 “Environmental Labels and Declarations”.

The certification process is extremely comprehensive and onerous to ensure each product meets the environmental, health, social and ethical standards that have been set. Specifications that require Green Building schemes can be assured that Dexion products meet these requirements.

Environmental Factors

Manufacturing And Carbon Footprint Reduction

Manufacturing And Carbon Footprint Reduction

Sustainable manufacturing practices aim to minimise the environmental impact of production processes. This involves resource-efficient methods, waste reduction, and adopting circular economy principles. Collaborating with suppliers to ensure sustainability throughout the supply chain is crucial to our business.


Dexion sources steel from the steel mill or its distributors in sheet coils. Steel is derived from iron ore and scrap, coke and water.

Powder coat

Materials sourced and assessed by our local supplier in Malaysia and China. A number of initiatives have been implemented to improve the painting process with changes made to the paint booth, application process and residual recovery to minimise waste and enhance overall utilisation and efficiency.

Powder coatings are manufactured from polyester resins, titanium dioxide, barium sulphate and β-hydroxyalkyl amide.

The sourcing process is formed under the EMS standards covering significant environmental aspects and impacts, legal compliance and evaluation, resource utilisation and performance monitoring under the programme.

Recycled Materials

Material scrap from manufacturing process is collected by steel or aluminium recyclers and is recycled through commercial operations run by others.

Dexion does not outgas volatile organic compounds. No adhesive compounds are utilised during the manufacturing process.

Process Flow & Operations

Dexion operates a modern and efficient plant designed for the manufacture of metal storage products.

Process flow

The facility is purpose-built to ensure a one-directional process flow from inbound of raw materials to outbound of goods.

Sustainability Initiative 4
Sustainability Initiative 5

Energy Sources

Electrical supply

The building is designed and constructed with a focus on energy efficiency, aimed at minimising consumption and reducing carbon emissions throughout the manufacturing process and building utilities. Additionally, the facility is equipped with solar panels to further reduce its carbon footprint and limit emissions released into the environment.

Projected Generation Data

Yearly :



Green Credentials

Sustainability Initiative 6
Sustainability Initiative 7
Sustainability Initiative 8

CO2 Avoidance Per Annum — 526 Tonnes
Equivalent to the absorption of 22,372 trees per annum

Water conservation

Rainwater is harvested to recycle rainwater for landscape irrigation, toilet use and general cleaning.


Paint line

Implementing a customised paintline designed with production efficiency and environmental consideration in mind to manage emissions control.


Clean water discharge

Wastewater from the manufacturing process (paintline) is treated and purified according to the Department of Environment. Two Competent Individuals are on-site and certified in managing wastewater effluence as a regulatory requirement.

Electric Forklift Fleet

Forklifts powered by lithium-ion batteries for warehouse operations.


Building Design And Energy Efficiency

Sustainable architecture and smart building technologies contribute to energy-efficient structures.
These include:

Building design

Sustainability Initiative 9
Dexion Smart Hub is on track to be awarded LEED Gold status, demonstrating our commitment to sustainability initiatives. LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an internationally recognised green building certification system for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings, established by the US Green Building Council (USGBC).

Paper-less environment

Cloud-based systems manage building access and security including staff entry, traffic access, and Visitor Management Systems while a Clean Desk Policy minimises paper usage.

Stormwater Management

On-site detention tank with a coverage area of 24,281 m² with capacity storage of 570m3.
The on-site tanks control quantity and quality of rainwater runoff to achieve zero development impact contribution to the environment, such as flash floods, soil erosion and river pollution.

Landscaping & indoor plants

All-round perimeter landscape provide greenery while reducing stress and improve the sense of well-being within an industrial environment.

5S practice

Adopting 5S methodology in the factory and office to organise, clean, develop and sustain a productive environment to reduce scrap and waste.

Social Factors

Modern Slavery in Corporate Supply Chains

Modern Slavery in Corporate Supply Chains

The Dexion Code of Ethics

The Code defines minimum standards of ethical and responsible behaviour which must be met by suppliers of products and product components commercialised by Dexion in the course of its business, in line with the corporate culture of Dexion Australia Pty Ltd, firmly based on the respect for human and labour rights.

Dexion’s Code of Ethics applies to our own operations and to those of our suppliers. We recently updated our Code of Ethics to ensure that the standards were able to be measurable to improve accountability and expressly provide for freedom of association and the availability of grievance mechanisms.

Still firmly based on the respect for human and labour rights, the new Dexion Code of Ethics reflects standards sourced from International Labour Organisation Conventions prohibiting:

Reflecting that modern slavery is at one end of a continuum of human rights impacts, Dexion’s Code of Ethics also extends to other areas of ethical, legal and socially responsible conduct including setting standards for:

Dexion engages directly with its first tier suppliers to secure their commitment to Dexion’s Code of Ethics in a graduated and incremental way. Dexion prioritises suppliers which are assessed, through Dexion’s supply chain mapping, to be located in countries with an inherently higher risk of modern slavery practices.


The Board has high level oversight of compliance issues with international implications such as supply chain quality and including the Ethical Sourcing Program.

Dexion has specifically convened an Ethical Sourcing Group comprised of representatives across Dexion’s various operations. This includes senior representatives from each of the reporting subsidiary companies conducting business in Australia, who have direct knowledge of the operations and supply chains of these companies.

The Ethical Sourcing Group’s activities include supply chain mapping, supplier risk assessment, review and implementation of the Code of Ethics and investigation and addressing modern slavery issues. The Group has been guided in their activities with specialist legal and compliance support. The Ethical Sourcing Group includes the Chief Financial Officer and reports progress to the Dexion Asia Pacific Group Managing Director.

This statement covers every company conducting business in Australia which is owned or controlled by Tech-Link Storage Engineering (Australia) Pty Ltd. Accordingly, in preparing this Statement, the Dexion Group has been able to co-ordinate and confirm the actions and reporting of each entity in relation to ethical sourcing and the identification of any modern slavery risks in their own operations and in their supply chains. 

Modern Slavery Risks & Remediation

Associated with its Ethical Sourcing Program, Dexion has protocols and tools which help it to record and monitor: 

Dexion’s supply chain human rights risk assessment starts with supply chain mapping. That is, each Dexion business maps their tier 1 supplier locations. Supplier country locations are ranked from high to low for inherent slavery practices risk. To assess this risk Dexion uses resources such as the Global Slavery Index (‘GSI’) developed by the Minderoo Foundation’s Walk Free initiative. The GSI uses prevalence estimation techniques, including nationally representative surveys, risk-model extrapolation and multiple systems estimation to measure modern slavery globally.

Overall, suppliers to the Dexion Group are primarily geographically located in countries with an inherently low risk of modern slavery according to the GSI – including Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Austria, Sweden, Japan and China.

Where Dexion’s products are sourced from countries at an inherently higher risk of modern slavery Dexion prioritises these suppliers for direct engagement in the Ethical Sourcing Program. Because the Dexion Group has a manageable number of established long standing suppliers it has the opportunity to gain direct insights into modern slavery practice risks – and prompt suppliers to address these risks – which gives it an advantage over companies with large or variable numbers of suppliers.

Where Dexion’s own operations are located in ‘high risk’ countries (such as Malaysia) Dexion has the unique advantage of being able to assess such operations for any social compliance risks and take direct action to improve working conditions. In this regard, in 2023, the Malaysian Dexion facilities were independently audited by QIMA against the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (‘SMETA’). The most comprehensive SMETA 4 pillar audit was conducted on-site addressing both labour, health and safety issues as well as environmental and business ethics practices. The site and operational practices at the Malaysian Dexion facilities were deeply evaluated and adjustments and improvements were implemented to reach the highest of standards through a Corrective Action Plan.

Sustainability Initiative 1

Dexion is committed to maintaining positive standards of ethical and socially responsible practices to minimise any negative human rights impacts of our business operations. Through publication of its Modern Slavery Statement we believe that we are contributing to raising awareness and focussing attention on these important issues.
For a copy of Dexion’s Modern Slavery Statement, please submit your request here.


Download our latest Sustainability Report here.

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